Treat Constipation - How To Treat Constipation

By William Nowak

Constipation is an uncomfortable but rarely serious medical condition. Most people are uncomfortable talking about it and unfortunately most people will experience constipation at some point in their lives.

Constipation happens when your bowel movements start being less frequent or harder to have.

The normal frequency of bowel movements varies from person to person. Health experts agree that more than three days between bowel movements is too long.

You are medically constipated, according to doctors, if you experience symptoms of constipation for longer than 3 months.

If you want to treat constipation, you must first understand the causes and then develop a plan to change your lifestyle and start eating more healthy.

Constipation can be caused by many different situations: Physical, Mental, and Nutritional factors all play a role.

Your chance of being constipated goes way up if you don't have enough water and fiber in your diet.

Drinking or eating too many dairy products may contribute to your constipation, especially if you are lactose intolerant.

If you have any of the following physical conditions, they may be to blame for you being constipated: Holding off bowel movements for too long, Not getting enough exercise, Hypothyroidism, Pregnancy, Colon Cancer, IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Certain medications and supplements such as antacids, strong pain medications, iron pills, and overusing laxatives can cause constipation.

Mental stress and neurological conditions also have an effect on constipation and regular bowl movements.

Stress, depression, and eating disorders can negatively affect a person's digestive system.

Patients with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis may also experience constipation.

Some symptoms that may let you know you are constipated are as follows: Swelling or pain in your abdomen, Bowel movements become less frequent or painful, and also vomiting.

Severe cases of constipation may require advanced diagnostic procedures such as blood tests or a colonoscopy to make an accurate diagnosis.

Don't make the same mistake most constipation sufferers make. And that is only focusing on the symptoms rather than creating a plan to treat what is causing constipation.

Often constipation can be treated naturally by simply correcting your habits that caused it in the first place.

These things should be done daily to help treat and prevent constipation: Eat foods that are high in fiber, drink a lot of water before during and after a meal, and also get regular exercise.

You should never resist the urge to have a bowel movement if you want to treat constipation.

For more immediate relief of constipation, sufferers should drink two to four extra glasses of water each day and drink warm liquids in the morning. Adding fruits and vegetables as well as prunes may also help provide relief.

Your symptoms may become worse if you start becoming dependant on laxatives and stool softeners.

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