The Universal Secret Law Of Attraction

By Leona Claives

A new way of thinking has been sweeping the nation for the past few years. It has caused people to feel more confident and to go searching for their goals with a heightened sense of purpose. This new thought process helps to bring anything you want within your grasp. This type of thinking is based on a philosophy espoused by Abraham Hicks called the secret law of attraction.

The theories behind the law of attraction have been around in one form or another since man first began to question his place in the universe. Approximately one hundred years ago, advances were made in being able to feel the powers of the universe in your mind. Since then, refinements have been made and today Abraham Hicks has codified the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is a way that you can master the forces of nature and uses all of its positive energy to get what you want in life. It is a mental discipline that starts with the creation of a positive energy field.

In order to create a positive energy field, you must think only positive thoughts. This means not only positive thoughts about others, but also positive thoughts about yourself. We are our own best critics. It is important that you are able to look at yourself in the mirror and honestly be able to say: "I like me" and really mean it.

These negative thoughts have stuck with us since then. We have to get rid of these thoughts. Start out by telling yourself you are smart, successful, and likeable. If you tell yourself this often enough, you will eventually come to believe it.

Once you have achieved this, you will immediately begin to feel the results. The law of attraction harnesses the powers of sympathetic vibrations. As energy travels through the universe, it is automatically drawn to objects that vibrate on the same frequency. So if your own personal vibrations are negative all you can hope to draw is negative energy.

Attract other people to you with the force of your personality. Influence people's first impressions. If you are confident and self-assured, others will treat you with more respect. More respect can also lead to more professional and personal opportunities.

After you have this amazing ball of positive energy it is time to project it on your goals. Simply visualize yourself getting what you want and focus all of your energy into that visualization. Once that is achieved act as though the object of your desire is already in your grasp. Since you have the powers of the universe backing you up, it shouldn't be that long before you have achieved your goals. Even though mental training can be somewhat difficult, if you are looking for a method to turn your life around focus your energy on the law of attraction.

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