The Dirty Dozen - 12 Foods to Avoid

By Johncoc Hermsin

Americans diets seriously lack healthy ingredients like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Americans struggle with obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it is no wonder. Our fast paced society values instant gratification, so we crave fast food and our bodies suffer as a result. A healthy diet is one that is balanced and has variety. Sneaking a quick snack from time to time will not wreck your health, but making life-long smart food choices will improve your overall nutrition. If your looking to lose weight or just need to start eating healthier, start by cutting these nutrition nightmares from your diet. In order to lose fat and build muscle you must stay away from these 12 foods and remove them completely from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Foods deep fried in fats and oil will definitely raise your bad cholesterol and have been linked to cancer.

White flour: When wheat is stripped of its bran and germ, nearly all the nutrients are lost. The end result is a product that needs enrichment in order to market. Refined white flour products are also associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Besides the added calories, many people are not aware that the fructose in refined sugar also contributes to high cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Canned soups are flavorful, plentiful and affordable, but many are also loaded down with salt, fat and calories, especially the cream varieties.

Donuts: A deep fried refined white flour glob rolled in sugar has no redeeming nutritional qualities. Just say no.

Energy drinks: You may get an energy boost from some popular energy drinks on the market, but you also get sky high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: While they may be considered the perfect accompaniment to the hamburger, French fries get a bad rap due to astronomical levels of fat, calories and salt.

Granola Bars: Granola's reputation has taken a nose-dive in recent years due to the fact that has evolved into something that is a far cry from its original formula. Now laden with far, sugar and calories, granola bars should just be moved to the candy aisle of the supermarket.

Dried Fruit: Just eat the real thing. Most dried fruit products are coated in sugar and contain a boatload of preservatives to prevent spoilage and to preserve color.

Margarine: Once though of as a healthy alternative to butter, the trans fat in margarine is linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

Sodas: The caffeine in colas and sodas act as a diuretic, which can eventually lead to dehydration. Quench your thirst with water instead and save yourself the added calories from sugar and jitters from caffeine.

Hot Dogs: Skip the mystery meat. Hot dogs are loaded with salt, fat and preservatives and fare no better when wrapped in a refined white flour bun.

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