How To Overcome Your Overactive Gag Reflex

By Angie Walters

The dentist reclines you in his chair, you open your mouth but as soon as he put even hi mirror in, you start to gag and retch. Is this a familiar story? Do you wish you could overcome your overactive gag reflex?

This reflexive gagging is known by medical types as Pharyngeal Reflex and is an uncontrollable spasm occurring when any area towards the back of your throat is touched.

In it natural state, it is a biological defence against choking. It can, however, cause severe problems if it becomes hypersensitive. If you're a sufferer, you'll be very pleased to hear, though, that is plenty you can do to alleviate the problem.

Nasal breathing is the first place to start. Make a conscious effort not to breath through your mouth next time and you may find this is all that is required. Also try tensing your abdominal muscles by lifting your legs very slightly.

Try to avoid early morning appointments at the dentist as well. The reflexive gagging instinct lessens gradually as the day wears on. You might not savour the taste but also have a go at putting a little bit of salt on your tongue. This has proved itself to be surprisingly effective, but I couldn't begin to hazard a guess as to why!

One of the most effective methods of overcoming your gag reflex though, is to desensitize it altogether. This may take quite a lot of practice over the course of a month to achieve fully, but the results should be permanent and last the rest of your lifetime.

To get over your gag reflex, all you will need is your toothbrush. The technique is simply to brush your tongue in very slow circles, gradually moving further back into your mouth. As the days pass, you will notice the point at which you start to gag gets further and further back until a normal response is achieved.

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