Thoughts On Telepathy

By David A Andrews

Sure you may have heard about telepathy before, but do you know the meaning of the word? The easiest way to explain it is when you experience "feelings over a distance." Simply put, it is when someone takes their emotions and transmits it to another without using any actions like hearing, touching, sight, words, or anything else.

Telepathy is simply a natural, although misunderstood level of communication. Over the years animal trainers and scientists have come to the realization that animals use telepathic communications when connecting with one another, not just when up close, but also over great distances.

While humans in the West consider this to be a strange phenomenon, there are still primitive tribes around today who naturally use the power of telepathy. This way they can communicate with one another secretly.

What you need to understand is that telepathy isn't some sort of crazy aberration. Instead, it's something that we should recognize just as we would when coming across a person with speech issues. While we classify this as a disability, it should be the same scenario for someone who cannot utilize their telepathic power. Unfortunately it's not, but hopefully in the near future it will be.

It's unfortunate, but our civilization has lost its ability to stretch the telepathic mind. Even though it's a natural part of the human brain, society has created a shell for most people to keep from using it.

Would you believe that telepathy is linked to your sixth sense? Well it is and you may hear some refer to it as the third eye. Whatever name you have for it, telepathy should just come to be second nature.

Have you ever had a gut feeling come over you? Did it end up happening? Telepathy works in many different forms, and often times we miss it for a simple rush or just negative thinking. The problem is when it happens you find yourself wondering why you didn't pay attention to your thoughts. Then again, there are positive times like a friend you haven't heard from in a long time calls you within the same week you thought about them. It's crazy to think about, but things like this happen all the time, yet we overlook them as mere coincidences, even though a mother/child power is accepted.

What you'll find is that our society has simply lost touch with the ability to utilize our telepathic power. How this began will probably never be answered, but it's believed that it was constantly down played by religions all over the world. Most predominantly were Christianity and Islam. They believe that this is the power of Satan and not a tool the human mind already has inside.

The debate over this subject continues to surface every now and again, but the truth of the matter is that religions have a lot of power over our civilization. We are taught that our own natural abilities should be pushed aside for the Messiah, the Savior, or the Prophet (depending on your religion).

While we aren't trying to offend anyone, you have to ask why religions would be so distrustful of telepathy. Our own opinion is that if others possess a power such as this, they can challenge the leaders of the church. Since no one wants to lose their power, they keep everyone suppressed about the matter. Granted, it's not like this everyone, but when cases arise it's usually the reason.

Then of course if it's not religious talk, you can always turn to the scientific thoughts. Even though we do have open-minded scientists who believe in telepathy, there are some out there who think it's virtually impossible. The thought behind it is that you cannot taste or touch it, nor numerically measured. Believing this only keeps the positive thoughts at bay.

It's a big dilemma considering scientists have no problem accepting emotions and instincts. Are these individuals being prejudice? It's possible, but since scientists can feel emotions and instincts themselves, they consider this okay. When it comes to telepathy though, there is a lot left to be explained, so they don't acknowledge it.

Some believe it could be that the scientists who oppose telepathy are simply jealous. After all, it doesn't seem fair that someone could do something like this, which is why they don't want anyone else to have them. So instead of branding something different, it is always considered an instinctive response.

This mystery may never be solved, but there are definitely different scenarios that could be true. Another version dates back to biblical times when the Tower of Babylon story came around. Even though the languages were brought about to migrate people, it could be the same for telepathy. Hopefully some day we'll get a definitive answer.

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